January 26, 2025

Is Garland’s Parental Terrorist order for the benefit of his family, not yours?

Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | Oct 8, 2021 | Courtesy of CommDigiNewsNSBA, Garland, FBI, Parents, Domestic Terrorists

WASHINGTON: Attorney General Merrick Garland, the man who could have been a Supreme Court Justice, is spewing his rage at American parents aka Parental Terrorists. He’s reacting by a letter sent by leaders of the U.S. Education union cartel to White House Resident-in-Chief to target American parents.

Yes, the most powerful law enforcement bureaucrat in the civilized world is now hunting domestic terrorists. But, no, Garland is not pursuing the Marxists in BLM. Nor is he watchlisting the violent Nazi-loving fascists in Antifa.  Not even the racists KKK.  Nope.  These groups are not domestic terrorists.

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) asks Biden to have the attorney general target parents of school-aged kids. Calling you a domestic terrorist.

Why is Merrick Garland targeting Americas’ parents of school-aged kids?

Millions of parents across the nation have to be wondering now if engaging in vigorous defense of their children’s education is criminal?  After all, the FBI, DOJ, DHS are all national alphabet soup law enforcement and national security agencies.

When Attorney General Garland received the NSBA request to Biden, it was missing documented “threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.”

Why is Merrick Garland targeting vocal parents who are shaping the future of America?

Maybe, that is precisely WHY they are being bullied and intimidated to sit down and shut up. To allow the government to teach their kids the racist curriculum of CRT, 1619 Project, and divisive transgenderism and homoculturalism.

The writing appears to be on the wall, or more precisely, written on Woke teacher chalkboards all across America’s schools.

So, it may be reasonable to ask if Garland is enforcing an apparent coordinated effort of marginalizing mainstream heterosexual culture?  By undermining traditional moral and cultural restraints on sexual behavior, Garland and his legally sanctioned federal agents can stop parental efforts to block Woke cancel culture efforts to interrupt and destroy the American culture.

Teacher Unions Need to Muzzle Parental Interference

The big bad teachers’ union thugs want parents to shut up and go along with the racist indoctrination of kids in grade school. But, unfortunately, parents have caught on that Critical Race Theory is nothing more than Karl Marx’s Critical Theory dressed up as liberalized racial hate to divide a nation.

That CRT allows an elite band of Marxists to take over the nation’s schools.  Americans won’t allow another version of racism in their public schools.  They are speaking out at school board meetings to object to the misuse of their tax dollars to indoctrinate their children.

Parents’ outrage made the teachers’ unions nervous, so they decided to call on Big Brother for help to put parents back in line.

In early September, The National School Board Association demanded the federal government send immediate aid. The letter signed by NSBA President Viola M. Garcia and NSBA interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven saying that in the face of parental outrage, “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat. And that “The National School Boards Association respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.” 

However, in their letter, the NSBA identifies no threats actually made.  Feelings are all the woke school board members need to identify a threat.

Parents possess inalienable rights from God to raise their children. 

Parents are the stewards of their children. God empowers parents to bring their children up in the world.  A state has limited power to intervene between parent and child.  The federal government has none. However, that will never stop Garland from attempting to bully parents with threats of federal prosecution by the FBI, the DOJ, and Homeland Security.

Only God-knows-which other federal alphabet soup agencies may be used against parents.  ICE is the exception because illegal immigrant parents are never domestic terrorists.

Now that parents are domestic terrorists, Garland has declared war on your family to protect his interests.

Furthermore, it is a blatant attempt to federalize public education through the use of police power. So that the federal government cannot do that, that’s why Garland is on the job of using tyranny and threats against parents by categorizing moms and dads as “domestic terrorists.”

Is Garland’s Parental Terrorism Order based on law or Family financial connections

It turns out Garland has a clear financial interest in silencing parents’ objections to a Woke CRT education. Garland’s daughter, Rebecca Garland, is married to Alexander aka “Xan” Tanner, (the co-founder and President of Panorama Education, a lucrative Big Tech business started in 2011 and funded by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.   Is there a conflict of interest?  (Daughter of Attorney General who ordered DOJ to probe angry parents for domestic terrorism is married to the founder of education group that promotes Critical Race Theory: Merrick Garland accused of a conflict of interest)

On Thursday, a Panorama spokesperson confirmed the cozy family relationship to The Epoch Times, stating: “The only relationship between Panorama Education and Attorney General Merrick Garland is that Panorama’s co-founder Xan Tanner is AG Garland’s son-in-law.”

Panorama Education sells K-12 educational materials focused on “systemic racism,” “intersectionality,” and white supremacy. “Panorama pushes race-focused surveys and conducts training on systemic oppression, white supremacy, unconscious bias, and intersectionality — all under the rubric of ‘Social-Emotional Learning,” according to the Washington Examiner.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s Startup: Education co-led a $4 million round of seed funding for the fledgling Panorama in 2013. Last month, Panorama announced a $60 million investment round with investors including the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,” reported the Washington Examiner.

Millions of American Moms and Dads will refuse to be Silent or Silenced.

Should millions of American parents have to worry that the FBI may be placing them on a domestic terrorist watchlist?  No, not in a nation based upon the rule of law and not the rule of a Woke educational cartel.  There is no crime when there is no crime.  The goal by the Biden administration to chill dissent. Thereby silencing millions of American moms and dads. And it is going to backfire.

The NAACP2021: National Association for the Advancement of Canceled People firmly believes that parents will refuse to be silent or silenced.

Parents should wonder why the United States Attorney General has declared war on families who object to CRT. 

Is Merrick Garland abusing the power of his office to enrich his own family at the expense of yours?  Has Joe Biden, former chair of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 to 1995, forgotten that America is a nation of laws? National teacher unions do not dictate law enforcement.

Presidents should not allow millions of moms and dads’ efforts to exercise their parental and legal right to fight for their children to be criminalized because the NSBA says, “Joe Jump!”

Here’s an answer for Millions of parents across America. Launch a national writing campaign to have their uncanceled children send him a simple note. “Mr. Biden, C’mon Man, we refuse to be canceled.”


shut yo mouth

Shut yo Mouth

If you want to know the truth about American Black History, get woke to what Cancel Culture is purposely hiding. Democrats are playing the race card to commit historical genocide. It’s all revealed in Shut Yo’ Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

It’s probably the most dangerous book liberals, BLM, and Antifa do not want you to read.

About the authors:

Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source,” and “Writers Digest” magazines. In addition to the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin,” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit is also a published author. In addition, his Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014.

California PolitiChick Susan Swift Arnall is a lawyer, wife, and conservative mother of seven children. Since her impassioned call into Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in 2009, Susan has given political commentary on radio and blogs and was invited in 2010 by Andrew Breitbart to write for his young website Big Journalism. She has written over 60 published articles for Breitbart.

Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift