
Fight for Schools: Fight for Schools is a non-partisan political action committee focused on electing common-sense candidates that commit to policies that support equal opportunity, tolerance, meritocracy, and achievement.
Schools across the country remain only partially open, students are suffering from hopelessness and despair, and special needs children are falling through the cracks. Instead of focusing on plans to fix these problems, school boards and school administrations are spending millions to implement critical race theory concepts in our schools.
Simply put, our schools are teaching children to judge people NOT by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin.
Fight for Schools is currently fighting against Loudon County, VA, school board members who want to CANCEL any teacher or parent who to speaks out against detrimental policies and agendas! The school board wants to “silence the opposition” so they can ram through racially divisive and rewritten history.
National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) conducts and collects research about homeschooling (home-based education, homeschooling), and publishes the research journal called the Home School Researcher. NHERI specializes in homeschool research, facts, statistics, scholarly articles, and information.
Are you looking to homeschool your student with specialized educational needs? Look no further. Check out SPED Homeschool
Home School Legal Defense Association — 100,000 member families, Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is the nation’s largest, most trusted homeschool advocacy organization. We’re here to advance and protect your freedom to homeschool.
Alliance Defending Freedom is an American conservative Christian nonprofit advocacy group. ADF is protecting future generations with its headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. It also has four branch offices located in Folsom, California; Washington, D.C.; Lawrenceville, Georgia; and New York.
Institute in Basic Life Principles is a non-denominational, Christian organization in Oak Brook, Illinois, that serves as an umbrella organization for several ministries. IBLP was established by Bill Gothard for the purpose of resolving youth and family conflicts.
Florida Citizens Alliance – Critical Race Theory Open Letter to Governor DeSantis and Commissioner of Education Corcoran Purpose of organization: To improve Florida’s K-12 education by uniting and empowering teachers, students, and parents.

Parents Defending Education works to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.
Center on Wealth & Poverty is announcing a new coalition of legal foundations and private attorneys that will wage relentless legal warfare against race theory in America’s institutions. The Mission of Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty is to apply the perennial truths of economics and ethics to the urgent challenges of today. The Insitute is building a sustained argument against the progressive ideological regime that increasingly dominates America’s institutions and rebuilding the foundation of the nation’s first principles: freedom, equality, charity, and the pursuit of happiness for all.
Parents Against Critical <Race> Theory (PACT’s) goal is to provide awareness about how dangerous, disingenuous, and phony Critical Race Theory and the “Equity Movement” are. CRT is destroying our society and creating an enormous amount of unnecessary racial problems.
CRT is fundamentally opposed to the American civil rights movement. The great Dr. King has been replaced, some might say CANCELED. CRT says all whites are born racists and all blacks are born second-class citizens that cannot succeed because white people oppress them.
Faith, Freedom… For a More Perfect Union
Patriotic /Christian Pen Pal Network: This is a private group ONLY for members of Homeschooling Resources & Support Group who are interested in having a Pen Pal for their children. Post your child’s/children’s age, gender, and interests to help find a match. How to Find a Pen Pal for Your Child, and Why You Should.
Faith and Freedom Network Gary Randall Ministries:

Lonnie Poindexter covers current events in the nation’s capital concerning public policy and the faith-based community. Lonnie hosts a national Christian radio show called Lion Chasers. The show broadcasts on Urban Family Communications. The Content of Character Series™ is an educational summit that identifies city leaders across America who partner in a movement to inform, educate and activate communities in public policy and culture through a Biblical Worldview.
Concerns and sensitivities are still on edge from last year’s death of George Floyd, riots, and destruction in Minneapolis. TakeCharge is a new organization committed to countering the prevailing narrative in popular culture that America is structured to undermine the lives of black Americans. Kendall Qualls leads TakeCharge with the objective to inspire and educate the black community and other minority groups in the Twin Cities to take charge of their own lives, the lives of the families and communities as citizens fully granted to them in the Constitution.
Cry For Help Foundation, Inc. @ACryForHelpFoundationLLC · Milwaukee, Wisconsin