February 17, 2025

1960’s Nixon vs. Kennedy guide Congress on overturning election fraud

Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | Dec 19, 2020 | Courtesy of CommDigiNewsElection fraud, Congress, Dominion, Kennedy vs. Nixon, Electors

In fact, in Texas in 1960, much like in Chicago and Cook County, Illinois, “[v]oter fraud was fairly common, safeguards to prevent it were few, and 1960 was no different in those respects.  Thus, the most dispassionate analysis of this issue from the perspective of fifty years later is that we will never know whether Kennedy really ‘won’” according to History News Network.

The lesson from 1960 that applies now, sixty years later, should guide Republicans in Congress in fighting the fraudulent election engineered by Democrats. That lesson to not give in, not give up the count and not give up the legal battle even if the courts or the media oppose America’s true legal votes.  It is also why the electoral college matters. It can be the bulwark against fraud if the lesson of Richard Nixon once again comes into play. There is little wonder why Democrats continue to promote removing the electoral college.

The Democracy Rigging Fix began in 1960 Election and Fair Voting was aborted

Joe Biden, who is known for fabrication and outright lying. From 1987, according to Law.com, Biden admitted to plagiarizing a law review article in a paper he wrote during his first year in law school, then on August 23, Real Clear Politics  reported,

“Aug. 23, 1987, it was discovered that during a debate at the Iowa State Fair, Biden had been lifting entire lines of his stock stump speech from Britain’s then-Labor Party leader, Neil Kinnock, who was campaigning for prime minister.”

In addition,

“More importantly, these acts of blatant dishonesty highlight some very grave concerns over his integrity and character.”

The current make-believe media covered up Biden’s inability to string together the truth  is no different from John Kennedy and his Democrat party’s historic election machine manipulation which included the ability to raise the dead, with the infamous “Lazarus Vote.”

According to The Washington Post in the run-up to the 1960 election, the RNC targeted “evidence of election fraud in eight states– Illinois, New Jersey, Texas, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Morton himself traveled to Chicago, where he announced the creation of what he called ‘the National Recount and Fair Elections Committee.’”  Do you see a pattern emerging?

How “Lawfully Certified” Electors will determine the Presidency

Unlike the current media that covered up election theft and ignore widespread election fraud, at least some journalists 60 years ago had some integrity.  So according to the Washington Post,

“[i]n Chicago, where Kennedy won by more than 450,000 votes, local reporters uncovered so many stories of electoral shenanigans –including voting by the dead– that the Chicago Tribune concluded that “the election of November 8 was characterized by such gross and palpable fraud as to justify the conclusion that [Nixon] was deprived of victory.”

Nixon indicated that he had lost the will to fight against Kennedy and the well-oiled Democrat election fraud machine.  Nixon even opined in his 1962 memoir “Six Crises,” that “he feared American prestige would be damaged by suggestions that ‘the presidency itself could be stolen by thievery at the ballot box’” according to the Washington Post.  In his book, “RN” Nixon wrote if he did not concede to Kennedy’s election theft “[c]harges of ‘sore loser’ would follow me through history.”

Nixon – Trump loss by Democrat election theft pattern emerges

Just as in 1960, when the Kennedy election fraud manufacturing machine literally stole the presidency from 34,108,157 million voters for Vice President Nixon, Dominion voter manipulation machines, and democrat election officials blocked, stopped, and threatened GOP election canvassers, stealing the election from the hands of 74 million-plus Trump voters.

Hundreds of Americans witnessed criminal election fraud through the manipulation of votes.  They submitted affidavits only to see courts ignore their sworn testimony by perverting form over substance in an act of electoral tyranny.

But unlike in Nixon’s day, the present-day RNC will not stop examining the rampant vote fraud that thousands of signed affidavits have revealed. Instead, the RNC and President Trump’s campaign are refusing to let the democrat machine make the electoral college a mockery by certifying illegally manipulated votes and abandoning the nation’s foundational value of the right to legally cast citizen votes.

Election Integrity 2020: Where Trump’s fight is now

Eighteen states tried to legally present facts of criminal election fraud to the high court in the recent Texas case, specifically outlining that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, “abolished safeguards that would have been critical to preventing fraud in voting by mail. First, non-legislative actors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan abolished or undermined signature verification requirements. Second, non-legislative actors altered the statutory rules for secure handling of absentee and mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Third, the Bill of Complaint also alleges that certain counties in the defendant states excluded bipartisan observers from participating in the opening of ballots and the ballot counting process,” according to Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and the 16 other states’ brief filed in the case.  (Chief Justice Roberts ‘Screamed’ at Supreme Court Justice About Texas Lawsuit)

Yet, after hundreds of election fraud statements and 50+  lawsuits, courts up to and including the Supreme Court have rejected the collective cry for justice and relief from rampant election fraud election by Texas. As well as the attorneys general from Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.

Now, for those states who are standing up to the election fraud, they have uncovered, the congressional count of electors’ ballots is the backstop for preventing the pillaging of American voter justice.

The Nixon – Pence Solution finally emerges

Because of the historic nature of the widespread election fraud claims attested to by elected state officials some states have submitted two slates of electors; one for President Trump and one for Joe Biden.  Several Republican state legislatures have sent an alternate slate of electors from the battleground states Biden won, including Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, reported Michigan Live.

The House and Senate will convene to officially count the electoral ballots.  Like Nixon so many years ago, Vice President Pence will preside as the President of the Senate over the joint session of Congress.  One of the major determinations that can decide a Trump reelection win is whether a slate of elector ballots is “lawfully certified” by the “lawful tribunal of such State” and therefore conclusive under 3 U.S.C. §15.

Vice President Nixon faced the same question in 1960. In fact, Nixon’s dilemma is the only precedential example to guide Vice President Pence in applying the statute.

When this same elector slate dilemma occurred in 1961, the governor of Hawaii initially certified the electors for Vice President Richard M. Nixon. A subsequent recount determined that Senator John F. Kennedy had won the Hawaii vote, so the governor certified an alternate ballot of electors declaring Senator Kennedy as the winner.

Both slates of electors met on the prescribed day in December, cast their votes for President and Vice President, and transmitted them according to the federal statute. This was the case even though the recount was apparently not completed until a later date, that is, not until December 28.

The precedent to determine which ballots counted was set by the President of the Senate, Vice President Nixon.

On January 6, 1961, two sets of electors, both lawfully certified by the governor of the state of Hawaii were presented. Nixon decided “that the latter and more recent certification of Senator Kennedy be accepted,” according to the Congressional Research Service.

If the same scenario occurs on January 6, 2021, Vice President Pence must exercise his authority as President of the Senate to prevent any adoption of fraudulent elector slates tainted by massive election fraud.  Where a state has submitted two slates of electors, each “lawfully certified” by the “lawful tribunal of such State,” the latter and more recent certification of the electors should be accepted and counted by operation of 3 U.S.C. §15. And according to Nixon’s example.

If Pence follows Nixon’s example, the legal battle to ensure that President Donald J. Trump and his 74 million voters receive the true measure of electoral justice may mean another trip to the U.S. Supreme Court to determine how electoral ballots are counted and the validity of the method of counting under 3 U.S.C. §15.

Democrats will certainly demand SCOTUS discount states’ certification of Trump electors if it means Biden loses the electoral college count.

Nixon was afraid of the Democrats response, but we cannot let fear rule us

In 1960, Vice President Nixon threw in the towel because he feared that the nation would be torn apart if he did not fight the corrupt Kennedy voter manipulation machine.  He thought that the thievery of the Democrats would end and honor would be restored.  He may have had the right intentions, but as former British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone so eloquently stated, “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

One thing is certain: Democrats have unleashed a hailstorm of illegal election depravity. They did so choosing to infect Dominion machines with malware in order to abort America’s election process.  Americans deserve better.  If Vice President Pence, the congressional Republicans, the RNC, Trump campaign, and millions of American patriots say no to the insidious, intentional desecration of America’s election, the legacy of countless millions of brave patriots, American justice, and the integrity of the Constitution will be stronger.

Lead Image: By Office of the Speaker – http://www.speaker.gov/general/president-trump-lays-out-path-success, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56732953 –
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