The war to protect the life of the unborn and their fate receives a boost
Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | May 15, 2021 / Courtesy of CommDigiNews
Right to Life: Babies Go to Sacramento
The war to protect the life of the unborn and their fate may actually have received a boost from the Right to Life League’s Mother’s Day outreach program called, “Babies Go to Sacramento.” This special pro-life gift packet was sent to all California federal and state legislators. The move is crucial because state legislators may soon vote to terminate more unborn lives if the California SB245 bill which would force all private insurance policies to pay for abortions free of charge: no co-pays, no deductibles becomes law.
For California legislators, making a life and death decision concerning the fate of an unborn baby may receive a gentle nudge if they are able to see and hold a Precious One baby doll.
The doll represents the size and development of a 10- to-12-week-old fetus—exactly the age at which nine out of ten abortions happen. In addition, the pro-life gift packet includes a DVD of the hit film “Unplanned,” dramatizing Abby Johnson’s book of the same name, which shares her journey from Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year to pro-life activist.
“We are very excited about this program, which provides simple, user-friendly tools to help legislators understand the truth about abortion—a truth that is typically masked behind euphemisms such as ‘termination,’ ‘reproductive rights,’ and ‘clump of tissue,’” stressed Susan Arnall, League Director of Outreach and Engagement.
The truth of abortion deaths in California increasing is all too real and it is already one of the nation’s leading birth termination states,
According to the World Population Review, California ranks number six at (19.5) in the number of abortions per 1,000 women ages 15-44 years old.
Another terrifying abortion statistic, according to the reproductive rights research organization Guttmacher Institute, the Sunshine state represents 15.4% of all abortions in the United States.[1] It is also an abortion magnet because “not all abortions that occurred in California were provided to state residents: Some patients may have traveled from other states.”
California’s effort to remove one more protective wall to legalized abortion via SB 245, is why legislators need to pay attention to Right to life League’s innovative “Babies Go to Sacramento” plan. Theresa Brennan, President/Executive Director of the Right to Life League, stressing:
“By removing the co-pay and deductible for abortion, SB 245 makes it even easier for poor, at-risk and disadvantaged women to be taken advantage of when they are most in need of assistance.”
Can “Babies Go to Sacramento” influence other states
In July 2013 at the North Dakota State Fair, Minot Right to Life’s had a booth that handed out 800 baby dolls that “provided children at the fair with “an accurate model of a 12-week-old pre-born baby with a development card to go with it.” According to the group’s Facebook post, reported ABC News. Devyn Nelson, executive director of the North Dakota Right to Life, told ABC that “The booth was extremely popular,” even though some parents were offended by the dolls.
It was not a coincidence that North Dakota Right to Life went on the offensive to educate the public about the need to use a 12-week preborn baby doll as a rallying point to educate the public about the unborn’s right to life. The state legislature had just passed an anti-abortion heartbeat measure which was one of four anti-abortion bills that Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed into law last year, according to NBC News.
The life of the unborn is a non-negotiable right that is at the core of the RTLL’s effort to educate California officials on both sides of the issue. Arnall emphasized,
“The package is designed to force our legislators to face what abortion does. Many of them will throw away the baby we send them—just as abortion throws away human life. They cannot help but confront the truth about what abortion does.”
According to ABC News by 2019, “More than 350 pieces of legislation that would restrict abortion access have been introduced in states across the country,” that year. In 2019, 17 bans were signed in 10 states. The abortion-rights forces launched legal challenges, and none of the laws have been enacted.
Legislators should take an Un-Born Baby doll home
Perhaps the tide would turn toward protecting the life of the unborn if these legislators would be able to humanize the unborn baby doll in their home. This would present the next steps toward understanding the unborn’s God-given right to be the recipient of legal constitutional full due process.
Imagine if legislators take a Precious One baby doll home the compassion and love that the Babies Go to Sacramento plan would enable these deciders of life or death of an unborn aborted child may be given birth. Maybe a Precious One Baby doll in their home care for nine hours, nine days or nine weeks, unharden their heart and vote to give life to the ultimately canceled person in America, the Unborn aborted child.
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About the authors:
Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times,” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source” and “Writers Digest” magazines as well as the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit, he is also a published author. His Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014.
California PolitiChick Susan Swift Arnall is lawyer, wife, and the conservative mother of seven children. Since her impassioned call into Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in 2009, Susan has given political commentary on radio and blogs, and was invited in 2010 by Andrew Breitbart to write for his young website Big Journalism. She has written over 60 published articles for Breitbart.
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