February 17, 2025

Uncanceled Medicine: How Dr. Tara Gustilo fights CRT in her hospital

Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | Aug 2, 2021 | Courtesy of CommDigiNewsRacism, Medicine, Uncanceled Medicine, Tara Gustilo

Dr. Tara Gustilo, Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism

WASHINGTON — What would you do if your employer required you to segregate service to customers based on race? Should medical care be segregated by race? Uncanceled Medicine should be fought against in every medical facility, hospital, and operating room In America. It is why the NAACP2021: National Association for the Advancement of Canceled People supports Dr. Tara Gustilo who recently filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the Hennepin Healthcare System (HHS) in Minnesota.

A lost suit she must win to achieve Uncanceled Medicine.

According to 2021 data from the American Hospital Association, there are approximately 5,141 Community Hospitals in America.  The Hennepin Healthcare System is among those adopting a critical race theory-inspired racially segregated care initiative. As part of the initiative, the hospital assigned only black staff to treat black patients. Dr. Gustilo objected to the segregation race-based hospital policy.

According to Blaze, she was accused of “internal whiteness,” deemed unfit to lead her department, and was demoted.

Can you or your family member be victimized by CRT medical practices?

Of the 36 million visits to a hospital in the nation in 2020, 34,078,100 of those visits were to a community hospital. If you are white and your hospital has a woke medical facility, then the likelihood is high that your emergency care may be impacted by CRT race-based care policies.

With hospitals adopting woke CRT policies in their triage of emergency room patients, a white child could be passed over to treat a black child.  Regardless of the severity of the white child’s injury. (Hospitals’ Obligations to Address Social Determinants of Health)

But it won’t just be the emergency room.  If you have medical issues from the start of life, obstetrics and gynecology, to long-term acute care you could be a CRT medical practice target. Numbers don’t lie, so unless you plan to not leave your home when you have a medical emergency, you should be very concerned about the outcome of Dr. Gustilo’s lawsuit.

If the Medical staff is CRT trained to cancel you, will you be concerned?

So, what if your employer is a hospital and you’re a doctor or a nurse?  What would you do if you’re told to go along with a race-based care initiative inspired by critical race theory and the Black Lives Matter movement?  Well, that is the moral question that Dr. Gustilo had to ask and which led to the lawsuit.

For Dr. Gustilo, the answer was clear, and she filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in June against Hennepin Healthcare System (HHS), alleging that the hospital removed her as the head of the OB/GYN department after she began openly objecting to the hospital’s race-based care initiatives.

Here’s a summary of her complaint from the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism:

Over the last decade, Dr. Gustilo has served successfully in various leadership roles at HHS. She created a program to reflect cultural differences in birthing practices to better serve her diverse patients. But over time, her colleagues transformed this program into racially segregated care.

When Dr. Gustilo voiced her objections, advocated for race-neutral care, and criticized racial essentialism on her personal Facebook page, her colleagues told her that she, as a person of color, should hold the same race-essentialist views they do and could not lead because she does not share those beliefs.

HHS then removed her from her position as Chair of the OB/GYN department. Dr. Gustilo has now filed an EEOC discrimination charge against HHS.

Accomplishment matters until it hits the medical CRT Canceled Wall

During her six years as department head, Dr. Gustilo advanced a multicultural care program. She enjoyed “one of the highest patient satisfaction ratings of all the doctors at Hennepin Healthcare and in the nation.”

In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, Dr. Gustilo was concerned for the safety of her own children whom society considers black, so she began to research Critical Race Theory.  She concluded that

“CRT is not a continuation of the civil rights movement but rather a repudiation of it.” ( She decided to reject CRT because “it itself rejects the traditional view of equality — the bedrock of our nation — as prescribed in our founding documents….”

The Blaze reported that Dr. Gustilo  observed that HHS department members

“began to transform the program from one that simply sought to respect and appreciate the various cultures to one of segregated care based on race.” 

When the hospital started holding anti-racist training sessions and implemented a policy of assigning “black caregivers to black patients,”  Gustilo objected.

That’s when her employer took action. According to Gustilo, a Human Resources staff member admitted that her personal political views and refusal to subscribe to the hospital’s segregationist policies were a “trigger” for her demotion.

Her employer suggested Gustilio suffered from “internalized whiteness” and therefore was no longer “fit” to lead by because:

“Her opposition to the growing, racial essentialist philosophy could potentially cause our patients to mistrust our department, create division among staff, and reflect negatively on the hospital,”

Gustilo presented her case in a video produced with the  Foundation Against Racism & Intolerance.

Dr. Gustilo has alleged violations of Title VII in her complaint to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  The Daily Mail noting that an EEOC complaint is typically a precursor for a federal discrimination lawsuit.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Gustilo’s case go to The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR). Your donation will support Dr. Gustilo’s case and other legal work to advance civil rights and liberties, and pro-human values.

The fight to defend the constitutional right of equal treatment and to not be judged by the color of one’s skin is essential.

Rev. Martin Luther King stood for this principle and the NAACP2021: National Association for the Advancement of Canceled People will be joining in support of Dr. Gustilo’s lawsuit. The NAACP and will be working with countless others to defend uncanceled medicine is defended for every patient, doctor, nurse, and caregiver in America.

No More Canceled People – Silence is Betrayal


shut yo mouth

Shut yo Mouth

If you want to know the truth about American Black History, get woke to what Cancel Culture is purposely hiding. Democrats are playing the race card to commit historical genocide. It’s all revealed in Shut Yo’ Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

It’s probably the most dangerous book liberals, BLM and Antifa do not want you to read.

About the authors:

Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times,” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source” and “Writers Digest” magazines. In addition to the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit, he is also a published author. His Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014.

California PolitiChick Susan Swift Arnall is a lawyer, wife, and conservative mother of seven children. Since her impassioned call into Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in 2009, Susan has given political commentary on radio and blogs and was invited in 2010 by Andrew Breitbart to write for his young website Big Journalism. She has written over 60 published articles for Breitbart.
