February 17, 2025

‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush’s ‘Black people still aren’t free’ is dead wrong

Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | Jul 5, 2021 | Courtesy of CommDigiNewsCori Bush, Freedom, Waters

By Photo News 247, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=92900980

WASHINGTON: You have to hand it to ‘Squad member Rep. Cori Bush, when she said ‘Black people still aren’t free’ in blasting 4th of July celebrations, as the New York Post reports.  The real truth that Bush freely ignores is that Black people are not free from the toxicity of the canceled truth of liberty. When Bush uses hyperbole in stating,

“When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people,” tweeted Bush. Ignoring the obvious facts that it is liberal enslavement victimization Critical Race theorists who continue to poison the history and instead replace it with race-hating rhetoric.

Rev. Martin Luther King, addressed those like Bush, who would so willingly poison the truth of historical progress in American freedom toward a “More perfect Union” embodied in the U.S. Constitution.

In his piece “The Purpose of Education” from Morehouse College student newspaper, The Maroon Tiger, 1947 Dr. King wrote,

“If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, ‘brethren!’ Be careful, teachers!”  

What, Rep. Bush and her “Squad” has done consistently since their elections in 2018 and 2020 is to intentionally dismantle the truth about what blacks achieved in education, business, economic, and even electoral power.  Instead, she along with her black re-enslavement liberty canceling Marxist wrecking crew, wants to intentionally poison the well of a color-blind cultural American melting pot. Instead replacing it with a face-baiting walled off America.

Cori Bush wants America to be a more unequal union

The true apparent goal of Cori Bush is to not seek to build toward an America to “Form a More Perfect Union,” but rather to create a more unequal union, where whites are to be marginalized and blacks are continually victimized by the color of their skin not the content of their character.

Equality is never achieved because in a ‘canceled’ America, Rev. King’s Dream is not only diminished it is totally obliterated.  And personally, a life equal to Cori Bush’s would be fairly sweet.

Then of course there is Rep. Bush’s race-baiting partner in congress, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.)

Waters also posted a rambling tweet which she used to target Independence Day. According to the New York Post, she said, “July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”

Ordinarily, this nonsensical collection of comments would and possibly should be ignored

Except for the fact that Waters, no student of history, holds power in Congress as Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.  The committee is responsible for the nation’s housing and financial services sectors including banking, insurance, real estate, public and assisted housing, and securities.

In that position, Rep. Waters can use her power and influence Critical Race Theory legislation and regulations to undermine financial, housing and real estate decisions to create “racial equity” results and not true equality results.  In other words, left to her own devices, Waters, the “Squad” and hapless Speaker Nancy Pelosi could legally enact legislation to redefine what freedom and independence in America is for all people to what it will be for only certain people of color.

One of possibly millions of black people that Bush, the ‘Squad’ and Waters does not speak for, strongly disagree with her racist platitudes stating,


shut yo mouth

Shut yo Mouth

If you want to know the truth about American Black History, get woke to what Cancel Culture is purposely hiding. Democrats are playing the race card to commit historical genocide. It’s all revealed in Shut Yo’ Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

It’s probably the most dangerous book liberals, BLM and Antifa do not want you to read.

About the authors:

Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times,” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source” and “Writers Digest” magazines. In addition to the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit, he is also a published author. His Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014.

California PolitiChick Susan Swift Arnall is a lawyer, wife, and conservative mother of seven children. Since her impassioned call into Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in 2009, Susan has given political commentary on radio and blogs and was invited in 2010 by Andrew Breitbart to write for his young website Big Journalism. She has written over 60 published articles for Breitbart.

Tags: ‘Squad’ Member Cori BushCori BushCritical Race TheoryMaxine WatersThe Squad

Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift