July 27, 2024

President Trump ‘We The Kids’ letter supports a return of God to America

President Trump ‘We The Kids’ letter supports a return of God to America

Written By Kevin Fobbs | Dec 24, 2020 | Courtesy of CommDigiNews We the Kids, President, Trump, Constitutional, children programming

We the Kids – Vice President Morton, Wash. Police Chief Roger Morningstar at recent after-school school Constitution class graduation

America’s future is built upon the grace and giving of countless Americans who like President Trump seek to protect the nation’s founding Judeo-Christian principles. Recently, President Trump sent a letter to ‘We The Kids’ (WTK) to support their exciting educational projects that work to return God to America. Through their weekly radio show, We the Kids is educating and inspiring America’s youth with patriotic and positive programs.

In a year of Pandemic turmoil and election chaos, the ‘We The Kids’ organization’s use of the Constitution in afterschool programs touched the President’s heart. America’s future is in the patriotic hands of our youth deserving the support of the President and Americans as well

The future of this nation depends on the Christian training of our youth.

President George Washington

The Christmas season should be filled with wonderment and joy.

We the kids can be that gift that you will enjoy sharing.  Judy Frazier, president and founder, Vice President Morton, and Washington Police Chief Roger Morningstar have devoted their time to bringing God to America’s youth.  They have answered the clarion call of the nation’s first president to restore value to our Judeo-Christian principles. To prepare America’s young future leaders that are celebrating Christmas in homes across the nation.

How can I help their child to care about their nation or their future in it.

Joining We The Kids to support young people is one way.  We the Kids vice president Chief Morningstar has done just that.  For two years he has headed up a very successful Afterschool Constitution program. Kids ranging in age from elementary to high school actively engage in activities that guide them and help them to apply the founding father’s dreams, goals, and actions to create a “More Perfect Union” for their future.

President Trump’s Support Letter to We The Kids
America’s best-kept secret for America’s patriotic families and Children until now

America is not too far gone or too divided to prevent its founding values and Constitution that guided and inspired the creation of the nation to be simply destroyed by liberal assaults and mainstream media antagonists.  Former President Obama and his pundit posse disparaged the  Constitution and considered it inconvenient. Merely “a charter of negative liberties.”

We the Kids works to protect the next generation from this negativism.

These young people, and literally millions of young people and their parents, may not know how to go forward. We The Kids can be their answer, and here is an example of some of their programs that can be utilized in thousands of communities throughout America.

The WTK Radio Show on 1180 WFYL.com teaches America’s little-known stories. The programming is one of the best opportunities for young people to be change agents by editing, creating, and developing pro- patriotic shows which can be used as part of their Homeschool curriculum for credit.

The We the Kids innovative weekly radio show offers unique opportunities?

  • Offers stories for all ages, from 8 to 108
  • Provides short, educational lessons (with optional, purchasable guide), teaching freedom for kids and grownups
  • Highlights documented stories and quotes from our early American history
  • Makes available Homeschoolers’ Civics Class credits
  • Offers extracurricular activity for public schools
  • Prepares streaming shows via WeTheKids.us
Prepare the nation’s young to Return God to America

 We The Kids President, Frazier, emphasized the crucial importance of having law enforcement working side by side with parents, kids, and community volunteers to reconnect and restore the bridge of trust and solidarity.

“I believe we have one of the only programs today that is able to get public school and home-schooled kids involved in learning accurate American history and our constitution’s foundational principles. I believe We the Kids has created a bridge of trust, which is embodied by  Chief Morningstar’s efforts in his community. His success is a launchpad for guiding our communities to help build trust, learning, cooperation and partnership with true first responders of freedom.”

Chief Morningstar, echoes’ Frazier’s commitment to law enforcement and community partnership in promoting and teaching America’s founding truths and returning God to America’s Dreams.,

We were able to bring these timeless truths of our American story and our struggle for liberty to our local kids. We more than doubled our 1st year, we had 23 children go through our (7) week program and graduate.”  He added, “They learned everything from the signing of our Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War as well as discovering the importance of our forgotten heroes, some who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom such as Crispus Attucks, Anna Strong, Sybil Ludington, and Dr. Joseph Warren.”

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
[a]And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Restoring God and Judeo-Christian values is more than a polite discussion topic, it is a necessity.

And President Trump acknowledged this.  He wrote in his recent Executive Order on Establishing the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission the need to return history to American schools.  He said,

“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to better enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776, and, through this, form a more perfect Union.”

With his words, President Trump establishes the pathway forward to restore the founding Judeo-Christian influence to the nation’s classrooms.

Helping America’s youth to become the warriors of patriotic truth and lead to God’s return to America is vital. ‘

One answer is in your hands –  support We the Kids by going to their website.  Then join them by starting an affiliate program in your community to correct the liberal misdirection away from the law, order, American justice, and the Constitution.

Lastly, Chief Morningstar issued a warning all patriotic believers should listen to.

“I know with all my heart that It is absolutely essential we ensure that our next generation carries on the torch of freedom and that the story of our country is not forgotten, or we will be doomed to walk in the same steps that lead so many other nations to fall to tyrannical rule.”

Wake up and help America’s patriotic youth become the agents of change.  Remember: Silence is Betrayal!by TaboolaSponsored LinksFrom The WebHomeowners In Valley City Are Saving Big Installing These Low Cost Solar PanelsPower Home SolarPsoriatic Arthritis Indicators – Many May Wish They Had Seen Them EarlierPsoriatic Arthritis | Search AdsSee The New SUVs That Show Why Seniors Should Not Buy Used CarsSenior Cars | Search Ads

Tags: Return God to AmericaWe The Kids

Kevin Fobbs

Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times,” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source” and “Writers Digest” magazines as well as the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit, he is also a published author. His Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014. He writes for Communities Digital News, and his weekly show “Standing at Freedom’s Gate” on Community Digital News Hour tackles the latest national and international issues of freedom, faith and protecting the homeland and heartland of America as well as solutions that are needed. Fobbs also writes for Clash Daily, Renew America and BuzzPo. He covers Second Amendment, Illegal Immigration, Pro-Life, patriotism, terrorism and other domestic and foreign affairs issues. As the former 12-year Community Concerns columnist with The Detroit News, he covered community, family relations, domestic abuse, education, business, government relations, and community and business dispute resolution. Fobbs obtained a political science and journalism degree from Eastern Michigan University in 1978 and attended Wayne State University Law School. He spearheaded and managed state and national campaigns as well as several of President George W. Bush’s White House initiatives in areas including Education, Social Security, Welfare Reform, and Faith-Based Initiatives.