January 26, 2025

Father’s Day Uncanceled: A legacy message for American Dads

The perspective of two American fathers, one black and one white.

Written By Kevin Fobbs and Susan Swift | Jun 19, 2021 / Courtesy of CommDigiNewsFather's Day, Fathers, Cancel Culture

George Swift and Booker T. Fobbs – Dads remembered

WASHINGTON: On this Father’s Day in America, when liberals seek to cancel the family, fathers, what do fathers really want to share with their children?  We offer a perspective of two American fathers, one black and one white. Both attained fatherhood, making the decision to commit to their faith, country, and family.  Both men, though unknown to each other, shared common values that united one nation under God. Values-based on “uncancelable” Biblical principles.

In a nation where Critical Race Theory and the government as a socialist “parent” threatens to cancel millions of current future fathers the legacy, and value, of previous generations, is worth reviewing.  And who better to tell their stories than the children raised in their image?

Begin at the beginning to become an Uncanceled Father

Father’s Day is a time of celebration of past reflections, current joys, and challenges as well as aspirations for future goals. Yet today, American fathers risk being “canceled,” marginalized, and ignored. Worse, fatherhood itself is being demeaned as unimportant. This threatens the next generations of American children because fathers shape children, the family, and the country.

We decided to share our own fathers’ legacies as an informal guide to help other parents instill “uncancelable” principles that shape children in a positive way.  Proverbs 22:6  “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

George Swift is more than the father of Susan Swift Arnall, he was a man, created in God’s image and moved, as millions of men of faith are moved, to strive to do what is right, even when what is right goes against the “social grain”.  His life reflected the notion of individual citizenship as former President Roosevelt once described it: He was a regular American, “a man in the arena,” one who “spen[t] himself in a worthy cause . . . so that his place shall never be with those cold timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

“My dad, R. George Swift, Jr., was born in 1928 in Illinois. He lied about his age to join the Marines at age 17 during WWII, rose to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, and was disappointed that he was never deployed. He explained that he “never fired a shot in anger.” He revered the soldiers who did fight in that epic battle and always felt inferior to those who fought and died for freedom.” 

This was a freedom that was colorblind on the battlefield, pursued in the Halls of Congress, and yes, enshrined in the teaching and commandments of the Bible. Freedom cannot be canceled.

Where did fatherhood begin for Lt. Swift?  

Susan points out that, “His patriotism and love of country was an inspiring thing. He had a love for music and would sometimes choke up when singing the National Anthem, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Amazing Grace, My Country ‘Tis of Thee, and God Bless America. He loved America beyond mere words.”  What does the “love of America beyond words” mean when, as a person of faith, he has to put those words into action?

One year after his death, a very late eulogy for CommDigiNews’ Jacquie Kubin’s father, Jerry Kubin

“The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict. Rev. Martin Luther King

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a dad

Dr. King, like George Swift and Booker T. Fobbs, the father of Kevin Fobbs, are legacy creators as well as being impacted by the legacies of their own fathers before them.  In fact, Roland C. Warren former president of the National Fatherhood Initiative and current president of CareNet, a nonprofit organization that empowers women and men considering abortion to choose life for their unborn children and find abundant life in Christ, stressed this fact,

Before King uttered “I have a dream,” there were others — a grandfather and a father — who instilled great dreams in him and had great dreams for him.” CareNet .

The Son of the South’s Father reached for Uncanceled Freedom to guide his children

“Booker T. Fobbs, a son of the south, born in Louisiana in 1913, saw what it truly was to be canceled in a society that rejected him for his color, marginalized him for his Christianity and lynched his own brother because he dared to believe that the songs ‘My Country ‘Tis of Thee’ and ‘God Bless America’ meant all of God’s creations are made in his image,” explained Kevin Fobbs.

Booker T. Fobbs’ epic battles were fought before he joined the army in World War II, and before his father, Rev. Jonathan Fobbs, teacher, writer, farmer, and social activist, joined the army in World War I. He saw his father speak to other fathers who lost loved ones to lynchings, church and house burnings, all because the heavenly cause to pursue justice was more than a word or phrase, uttered then discarded as meaningless scarred ashes.  His father spoke about rising above hate and fighting for freedom and justice that only God can direct and provide.

Booker saw his father, Jonathan, make the decision to use the Biblical legacy of Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 22:6  “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

His pastor father would be the example of using legacy as a teacher and a guide for his own children. He would join the army as a 37-year-old dad and black man to fight for the Constitutional protections guaranteed by the founders and shaped by the Bible, that “All men are created in the image of God.”

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  Rev. Martin Luther King

George Swift’s belief in God’s Uncancelable Constitutional Truth put to the Test on a Galveston Bridge

“Swifty” as George was called “was the most positive, encouraging man I ever knew. His signature line whenever anyone dropped by or called him up on the phone was ‘what can I do to help?’  He taught his daughters the importance of daily acts of helpfulness as well as a regular civic duty,” says Susan.

Did civic duty mean civil rights duty, and what would his neighbors, family, and friends say if joining a march meant being “canceled” by everyone? George Swift made his choice.

“Before I was born, my father and mother were living near Houston, Texas. My father told me that in the summer of 1963 he marched across a bridge in Galveston, Texas linking arms with supporters of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  My father said they marched together, arm in arm, across that bridge while the Texas national guardsmen trained rifles on them all. My father was a white man and a Republican.

“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” Rev. Martin Luther King

Acknowledging the importance of dads on Father’s Day

What lesson should fathers prepare their children for when they answer God’s will and not their own fear?

George Swift chose to follow his faith, something far more important than any Critical Race Theory of the time or hate-filled platitudes being birthed in Democrat-controlled legislatures and courthouses.

“My father told me that it was very important for him to march that day as a white man marching together with many blacks. He believed that all men, regardless of color, should have the same opportunities,” stressed Susan.

Meanwhile in the North, Booker Fobbs had spent his 1963 Father Day sharing Biblical guidance with his children.  His goal that his sons should learn and understand about the quiet but steady firmness of using the content of ones’ character to define one’s self.

He used one of his favorite Biblical verses to help us learn to fight against being canceled.

In everything, set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”  -TITUS 2:7-8

As a father Booker Fobbs wanted each of his children to understand, the content of character was lifelong. That racism was only temporary and God’s word is eternal.  He said,

“As a former boxer, baseball player in the Negro Leagues, and now a steelworker, he knew all those titles would end, but not God’s Word. We are all created in God’s image,” explained Kevin.

Both men knew that their children should know the truth of God’s legacy meaning.  God’s creation is uncancelable.  George Swift knew that and embraced his words. As Susan stressed,

“At that time, more than 100 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, Southern Democrats still insisted on racial segregation in society. My father knew that segregation was not only legally wrong, it was morally wrong, just as slavery was wrong. We are all one human race,”  emphasized Susan.

America’s Fathers must embrace an Uncanceled Dream and Future 

Millions of fathers and future fathers can reclaim an Uncanceled America. Create your own legacy to hand down. Before the BLMs, Antifas, and cancel culture cartels that promote separation and racist Critical Race Theories, there were honorable God-directed men. Men like Booker T. Fobbs and George Swift. Black and white and all colors in between they were men who became fathers during perilous times. They sacrificed for our country and our families, and for their wives, sisters, sons and daughters to quietly advance these truths. To make America a great country, to unite, and to defend universal principles that flow from the love of God Almighty.

That is the true legacy of American fathers. Silence is a betrayal of your children and their future nation.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”  Martin Luther King Jr.


shut yo mouth

Shut yo Mouth

If you want to know the truth about American Black History, get woke to what Cancel Culture is purposely hiding. Democrats are playing the race card to commit historical genocide. It’s all revealed in Shut Yo’ Mouth! How the Left Plays the Race Card to Silence Conservatives and How to Stop It.

It’s probably the most dangerous book liberals, BLM and Antifa do not want you to read.

About the authors:

Kevin Fobbs began writing professionally in 1975. He has been published in the “New York Times,” and has written for the “Detroit News,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “GOPUSA,” “Soul Source” and “Writers Digest” magazines. In addition to the Ann Arbor and Cleveland “Examiner,” “Free Patriot,” “Conservatives4 Palin” and “Positively Republican.” The former daily host of The Kevin Fobbs Show on conservative News Talk WDTK – 1400 AM in Detroit, he is also a published author. His Christian children’s book, “Is There a Lion in My Kitchen,” hit bookstores in 2014.

California PolitiChick Susan Swift Arnall is a lawyer, wife, and conservative mother of seven children. Since her impassioned call into Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in 2009, Susan has given political commentary on radio and blogs and was invited in 2010 by Andrew Breitbart to write for his young website Big Journalism. She has written over 60 published articles for Breitbart.